Monday, 28 July 2014


"Your greatest surprise in life will be to know that that which you are afraid of is also afraid of you" - John Uwangue

While doing a research on snakes, i discovered that a snake can be in your house for a very long time without harming you, not because it is strategizing of how to attack but because it is scared of coming out. So it hides itself from the occupant of the house. Our life will become better and sweeter if only we dare to challenge those things that are posing as challenges to us. Fear is one of the greatest hindrance to success, fear tells you that you can't succeed, fear tells you that you can't be a better person, fear tells you that you will fail if you decide to start your own business or venture out alone, fear tells you not to take that step that will launch and explode you to your world, fear tells you that you will die poor if you decide to stop illegalities, fear makes you to suspect people without cause, fear makes you to develop an inferiority mentality, fear tells you that it is impossible to become rich without stealing, fear makes you to develop an impossibility mentality and fear tells you that you can't.
You will be so surprised of the level that you will get to when you dare those things that seems impossible. It is so unfortunate in Africa that so many Africans have an impossibility mentality that has stagnated the continent for so long. Some few years ago, i told a friend of mine that he should watch out because i am going to be the world's richest; not only in my generation but in generations to come. When i said it, i didn't know how it was going to be possible but i just knew that it is possible for a black man to be the world's richest, i just knew that the son/daughter of the poorest of the poor can lend to nations, i just knew that anything is possible to those who will "cross their mind" and dare the impossible. After saying that, he laughed and started to pinpoint the reasons while its impossible. He reminded me of my background, he reminded me of the continent that i come from, he reminded me of the political lootings in my country, he mocked at my appearance, and after mocking me, he searched my pocket to see if i have any money on me and when he found nothing, he mocked me the more.
You might not know when the next meal will come from, you might not look like someone who is capable of making even a thousand dollars, you might come from a very poor background, but i want you to know that you can achieve the impossible if only you will give fear a hard knock on its head and dare the impossible. The fact that you were born into a poor background does not mean that your back should remain on the ground.
Anything under the sun is poosible. It is possible to graduate from the university as a teenager, it is possible to become a professor even as a teenager, it is possible for one man to pay up the debts of his country, it is possible to be the world's greatest even as a female. It is possible, no matter the criticisms and mockery from people, it is possible even if no one has been able to do that which you hunger for, it is possible even if no one believes in you and your vision, it is possible only to those who will take a decision and dare their fears.
The man who successfully climbed the tallest mountain in the world was not the first to try, the first man to successfully fly to the moon was not the first to try, the first world billionaire was not the only person in his country, the men/women who successfully invented one thing or the other or achieved one feat or the other were not the only ones around but were those who took away their fears and dared the impossible. Don't allow the mockery or oppression from friends and family members put fear in your heart, don't allow anybody tell you that you can't do it. You can achieve the impossible if only you will dare your fears today. I want you to know that it is only precious things that are guarded. So, anything that you become nervous about when you want to do it, definitley has a blessing or blessings in it.
John Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising and highly sought after Motivational speaker, author, blogger and Entrepreneur. He is the Founder/host of Entrepreneurs Factory ® Radio Broadcast that airs in six states in Nigeria and more states still coming.
For speaking Engagements/enquiries please call +234 -70-11103445

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


"Money does not make the world go round but ideas does" - JOHN UWANGUE

In this part of the world (Africa), people believe that money makes the world go round. This has given alot of people (especially the youths) the mindset that it is either money or nothing. But my question has always been; whats the essence of money without ideas? What is that thing that will make the money to keep flowing in. The solution to the numerous problems of the world today are ideas. The world needs ideas, people need ways of doing things easily, people are tired of hard work they just need something that will eliminate the stress that is involved in getting things done. Like i always say, the first thing you need to be an entrepreneur is not capital or knowledge but an idea. Ideas are powerful tools that should never be neglected in our quest to make impact on earth. The better your ideas, the more relevant you become.
Ideas can come in a flash, ideas can come as a trance or through dreams or through personal meditation. Ideas can come in so many forms, but the best thing about an idea is that it should have the ability to solve a problem. I have also discovered that ideas can also be twisted, ideas if not properly ascertained can cause more harm than good. The online English dictionary defines an idea as
More generally, any result of mental activity; a thought, a notion; a way of thinking.
A conception in the mind of something to be done; a plan for doing something, an intention.
A vague or fanciful notion; a feeling or hunch; an impression.
When i decided that i wanted to become a motivational speaker so that i can help the world be a better place by travelling and motivating people to do things that they never thought that they could, i didn't know how to go about it. Despite my research into the lives of great Speakers all over the world, i still found myself still pacing around instead of running with the vision. In 2013, i had an idea; an idea that came to me through a night vision. The idea was about starting a blog, writing of motivational articles and starting a radio broadcast. The idea came when i needed an answer, it came when i didn't know what to do, it came when i needed a solution to a problem. Apart from receiving ideas through dreams, i have also received great ideas through thinking i.e by sitting down in a noiseless secluded place to ponder on the problems before me. Ideas are powerful but can also be destructible. Just one idea can turn the poorest of the poor into a financial wonder, just one idea can make you a millionaire overnight, just one idea can bring you fame that you have never imagined, just one idea can make you sit among kings and queens, but just one idea can also help you destroy the beautiful world that you have built for yourself in the twinkling of an eye.
Don't just live through life, live life with the mindset of solving a probem. The remedy to the numerous problems of the world today is just an idea and let that idea come through you.
John Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising and highly sought after Motivational speaker, author, blogger and Entrepreneur. He is the Founder/host of Entrepreneurs' Factory ® Radio Broadcast that airs in Six states in Nigeria and more still coming.
For Speaking Engagements/enquiries please call +234- 70-11103445


"Your success will end where your hunger for more ends" - JOHN UWANGUE

Sometimes i call myself Oliver twist, simply because if you give me two i will still ask for more. Your success ends where your hunger for more ends. Asking for more is not a sign of ingratitude neither is it a sign of selfishness, it is definitely a sign of unusual greatness. Stop settling for little things, stop been satisfied with menial achievements when there are great things that you can accomplish. Before now, a twenty storey building was seen as a global achievement, been a millionaire was a very big deal, been an inventor was something out of the ordinary, buying a personal private jet was seen as a great feat, been a university/college graduate was something to be proud about. But alot of people became hungry for more, we just wanted to achieve what our parents couldn't achieve, we just wanted to be greater than our parents. Not because we didn't love our parents but because we just wanted more. Right now, becoming a millionaire will no longer make news because even forbe is tired of ranking millionaires, buying a private jet is no longer an achievement because there are individuals in Nigeria that have up to 4 private jets, been a graduate should not make your head burst because there are now so many teenage graduates and school drop outs that are impacting their generation positively.
I have also discovered that the world has more than the population of the world needs, so why settle for little water when there is a very big river down the lane. To ask for more simply means to be very very hungry for success, to ask for more also means not being satisfied with little achievements. Why should you be satisfied because you were given a national award in your country when there are more that 200 countries in the world, why should you be satisfied because you have a very successful company when there are individuals that have chains of successful companies, why should you be satisfied because you are the CEO or COO of another man's company when you too can be the CEO of your own company, why should you be satisfied because you earn $10 million per year when there are individuals that pay the same amount as their tithe per week, why are you satisfied with a swimming pool when you could own a river.
Those who ask for more are those that will be given more. Your hunger and thirst will only be filled according to how hungry and thirsty you are. Some people would have left the poverty lane if only they were courageous enough to ask for more. Ask for more pay rise today because you too can earn a million dollars per month, ask for a better car today because brand new Sophisticated cars were not made for just a selected few, ask for a better living condition today because you were not born in the slump to die in the slump, ask for a better school for your kids today because they should get the best education, ask for better food today because your stomach is not a dump site where things that are not needed are dumped, ask for a bigger house today because you too can experience what it feels like to live in a mansion, ask to be self sufficient today because God did not create you to be a servant/employee/beggar for life, ask to be a better dad/mum today because your kids deserve the best, ask to improve in your grades today because you are more intelligent than you think, ask for expansion of your small business today because you are too creative to have a local brand, ask for more today because you deserve more.
Asking for more does not mean that you should go on the street to protest against your government because the government of your country is too small to determine your life and destiny, asking for more doesn't mean that you should hold down your employer, it simply means that you should get angry at your present situation by thinking big so that you can live big.
Stop pitying God, stop pitying His pocket like a wife would pity her husband. He wants you to hunger for more today because he has more than enough in his store house and because you were not made for just yourself but to touch the lives of others. I have also discovered that those who are not satisfied with little success and achievements are those that have love in their hearts. How will you be able to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide shelter for the homeless, cater for the old, pay up the debts of your country, build schools for your community, take aids to war torn zones, sponsor the medical bills of the poor, give scholarships to children and youths in your community when you do not have more. No matter how successful or fulfilled you think you are, there are still untapped potentials in you that the world still needs. Don't give up now, stop settling for just a plate when there are still more than enough for your consumption.
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John Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising & highly sought after Motivational Speaker, author, blogger and Entrepreneur. He is the Founder/host of Entrepreneurs Factory Radio Broadcast that airs in six states in Nigeria and more still coming.
For Speaking engagements/enquiries please call +234 -70-11103445


Friday, 18 July 2014


                                 With a
John Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising and highly sought after motivational speaker, author, blogger and entrepreneur. He is the Founder /host of Entrepreneurs' Factory® Radio Broadcast that airs in six states in Nigeria and more states still coming.
 He is passionate about Africa. He speaks to empower teenagers, youths and also the older generation. He is a highly sought after speaker by Churches, Organisations, schools, Companies and individuals.
His blog attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world with top page views from
* United state of America
* South Africa
* Kenya
* Pakistan
* Rwanda
* Nigeria
* Ghana
* Britain
* Zimbabwe
* Sierra leone
* Liberia
* India
* Spain, Italy, Germany, turkey
* Canada and from all over the world.
"The time for Africa has come, go unveil mysteries in Entrepreneurship".
A mandate which he received clearly from the Throne of grace on march 2011 at 12:04am during a personal meditation.
His vision for life is to raise one billion( 1,000,000,000 )African Entrepreneurs in his lifetime.
Connect with John Uwangue
You can also Connect with him via whatsapp to get daily nuggets and short motivational audio messages by John Uwangue.
You can also Join the FUTURE TRILLIONAIRES GROUP on whatsapp to meet other Entrepreneurs like you and share ideas.
Simply send FTG to +2347052931208 via whatsapp.
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+234 -703-7389862


"People will always talk, but never you allow them talk you into giving up hope" - JOHN UWANGUE

In our quest for success, hope is a very important commodity that should not be left behind. A man who has lost hope for living is simply a walking time-bomb just waiting to explode. Like i always say, if an american or european needs 100% level of hope, then an African would need times 3 (×3) of that. Sometimes in life, things happen just to take your hopes away, people do or say things just to take your hopes away, we find ourselves in situations that should make us lose hope in life, but the truth is that it does not matter what people do or say to you, you should never allow them to tamper with your hope.
To hope simply means to expect something even if it does not seems like its going to be possible. Alot of africans have lost hope in the continent. People believe that the black race has been cursed by the creator, some believe that they can't succeed in Africa so they look for any opportunity to travel abroad for greener pastures while those that find it difficult to travel abroad end up becoming nuisance in their community. If you can't take away the hope of a man, then you can't take away his life.
I have thought about almost everything but one thing that i have never thought about is travelling abroad just to earn a living. You just can't steal away my hope. No matter what i hear or see, no matter what people say or do, no matter what the situation looks like, no matter what you make me know, you can't take away my hope. While discussing with a friend some few years ago, he said to me "can't you see whats happening around you, can't you see that the government do not care about us, can't you see that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer, can't you see that churches that are suppose to be helping are busy filling up their pockets, can't you see that the environment does not support young entrepreneurs". These and more where his exact words.
I refused to ponder on his words, not because i can't see the points he raised, neither is it because i am wicked and do not care about others but because i knew deep inside of me that pondering on his words will harden my heart and cause me to lose my hope for a better tomorrow. This kind of words can turn a christian (like me) to an armed robber, kidnapper or assassin, this kind of words have turned alot of ladies into prostitution, this kind of words have turned hearts of flesh into hearts of stones, these kind of words have turned lots of youths into crimes and illegalities, these kind of words have made alot of people to lose their hope for a better tomorrow.
You can allow anybody to steal your money or your properties but never you allow them to steal your hope because in your hope lies your great future. I want you to know that anything is possible under the sun. You might not see the cloud neither the shower but prepare for the rain because when it eventually comes, the whole world will know that something great has happened to you. Seeing is believing so they say, but in the system of hope that word is false. Your world might be crumbling in your very eyes, that person you thought will help you might have disappointed you, you might have been mocked and laughed at, those who you call your friends might have left you, you might not know where the next meal will come from, it might look as if people don't care about your situations but the truth is that there is always an end to every tunnel if only you will keep hope alive.
People will always talk but never you allow them talk you into giving up hope.

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John Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising and highly sought after Motivational Speaker, author, blogger and Entrepreneur. He is the Founder/host of Entrepreneurs Factory Radio Broadcast that airs in six states in Nigeria and more still coming.
For Speaking engagements/enquiries please call +234 -70-11103445

Thursday, 17 July 2014


"If the world does not miss you when you die, then you were of no importance to it" - JOHN UWANGUE

There are three kinds of people on earth; there are those who are questioning the reason for their existence, there are those that just want to follow the pattern by just living through life while there are those that wants to leave their footprints on the sand of time (where do you belong). If the world does not miss you when you die then you were of no importance to it. You might have been created alone, you might have a different DNA, but you were not created for just yourself but for others. I see life as been created so that you too can create something good for others.
Impact can either be good or bad. But because i have positioned my mind and mentality not to focus on the bad things of life, this article is going to be about the "good" impact.
In Africa, people celebrate grey hairs, we celebrate old age, we celebrate experience, but whats the essence of living to the age of 120 when your life cannot be felt by others. There are different levels of impact; there is the level where your life can only be felt by yourself, another level is the level where your life can only be felt by your families and loved ones, there is another level where your life can only be felt by your community and state, there is another level of impact where your life can only be felt by your country, there is another level where your life can be felt by the whole world (this level makes one a global citizen), and there is the level of impact where your life is not only felt by your generation but generations unborn (I love this one).
I also want you to know that there is a difference between popularity and impact. You can be very famous but not living a life of impact, you can also be very rich and wealthy without living a life of impact. But you can't live a life of impact without been famous. Impact is touching the lives of others positively, impact is simply living for others. As a motivational speaker, i call myself a "no fee speaker", not because i have some billions to throw around neither is it because i am cheap but because i have a vision for life to raise one billion (1,000,000,000) African entrepreneurs directly in my life time. My vision is to eradicate poverty from Africa through entrepreneurship. So, when i organise seminars, conferences, or when i call churches, companies, NGOs to speak to their members, staffs, customers etc, i am not doing it out of desperation but out of a heart of love to impact others.
One of my greatest prayer as a christian is "lord stop blessing me if you won't bless Africa". A life of impact is far more beneficial and better than a life of golds and diamonds. But the truth is that you will never be able to make impact here on earth without a genuine heart of love for others. Living a life of impact is simply living a life of sacrifice; a life where you have to sacrifice your own comfort inorder for others to be comfortable. Like i always say, "true love forgets personal needs just to meet the needs of others".
Make your life be a blessing to someone else today. Stop living for just yourself and start living an impact driven life.

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John Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising and highly sought after Motivational speaker, author, blogger and Entrepreneur. He is the founder/host of Entrepreneurs Factory Radio Broadcast that airs in six states in Nigeria and more still coming.
For speaking engagements/enquiries please call +234 70 11103445

Sunday, 13 July 2014


Newton's first law of motion states that a body will remain in a state of rest or in a uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled by some external force to act otherwise. And i call that force that will help you to take action beyond measure, that thing that will push you to take that step that you would have been so scared to take, those words that moves through the fibre of your being to convict and convince you to succeed MOTIVATION. Every man or woman needs to be motivated. No matter how knowledgeable someone is, he or she still needs to be fired up via motivation.
A car might look beautiful on the outside, might have brand new engines that can even make it fly, the best gadgets that can wow anybody, have its fuel tank filled up to its brim. It will still need to be fired up by putting the key inside the ignition and turning it up. Alot of people have all the gadgets(creativity) have their fuel tank filled up(opportunities), have brand new engines(knowledge), look handsome/beautiful on the outside but are still living a confused life because they are busy pushing the car when they should just put in the keys and fire up. I am not writing about motivation because i am a motivational speaker but because in motivation lies the strength to move on and do more.
Companies will do well if they sponsor or organise training programmes for their staffs, churches will draw in multitudes to christ if they organise musical or drama concerts, states will draw in more support if they organise skills acquisition programmes and musical shows, schools will do well if they organise cultural and educative programmes for their students, individuals will do well if they go into the business of organising musical, fashion, film shows, NGOs will do well if they organise rallies to pursue their course, but these people and organisations will do BETTER if they organise seminars to help motivate their staffs, members, citizens etc to succeed.
There is gretatest in everyone, there are great potentials in a dummy, but these potentials/abilities/skills can only come to manifestation when these people are motivated. Motivation can turn a dummy to a genuis, motivation can turn the poorest of the poor into a financial wonder, motivational words can help a fool awaken the giants in them, motivational words can turn a carpenter into a war general, motivational words can make a man do the impossible, motivational words can help you discover your hidden strength.
The truth is that, the government of a country can spend billions of dollars to train its soldiers, but there is the possibility that these soldiers; no matter how equiped they are will develop fear in their heart when they are confronted by their enemies. Meanwhile, ill equipped farmers can defeat well trained soldiers when they are more motivated. Motivation can come in the form of financial rewards, but the best form of motivation is the "words motivation".
Words are very powerful, words are like swords; they have the ability to Pierce through the heart and mind of anyone, words are like water; they have the ability to quench the thirst of anyone, words are like fire; they are capable of burning away guilts from someone, words are like fertilizers; they can make seeds of greatness grow faster, words are like cars; they can take you to your destination without stress, words are like God; they have the ability to create something from nothing, words are like diseases; they can eat up the strength and happiness of anyone, words are like torch; they help you discover your hidden power. And, We also need to know that words have the ability to kill and destroy anyone before their time.
Parents, employers etc should learn to speak words of motivation. Not just words that will encourage a man but words that can push anyone to succeed with love. In our quest to make people do what is best, we should never put aside the rod of love because love is the wings on which effective motivations fly.

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Do you need a motivational speaker for your event, school, kids, etc. Then call John Uwangue: A motivational speaker, author and entrepreneur on +234 70 11103445

Friday, 11 July 2014


Living a life without purpose is like driving a car in a circle. You might be enjoying the ride but it wouldn't take you anywhere. Like i always say, purpose is the reason why you are breathing, the earlier you discover it the more your chances of living. What's the essence of buying a car that doesn't move, or a television set that you can't use to watch your favourite programme. What's the essence of graduating as a medical doctor when you can't give an injection. I will define purpose as the reason behind something.
There is always a purpose for a product, the purpose can either be good or bad but atleast it is a purpose. What makes you smart is not your ability to recognise and take full hold of opportunities but your ability to recognise and take full hold of an opportunity and also to know the reason behind you having the opportunity. Some few years ago, i had an idea of starting a radio programme where i could motivate and teach people to embrace entrepreneurship rather than look for already made jobs. Despite the fact that i had lean resources at my disposal (coming from a very poor family), i was passionate about entrepreneurship, i was passionate about empowering people ( both teenagers, youths, adults and even the old).
I did a feasibility and market study, visited radio stations in Edo state, Nigeria and got the requirements and cost of starting. Some few months later, i sent a business proposal to a state owned radio station where i was given the opportunity to air my programme to more than 1,000,000 (one million) listeners in 6 states in Nigeria (so you can see that i am a big fish. Lol!). My purpose of starting the radio programme was to motivate and encourage people to venture into entrepreneurship and i got the opportunity. But i also discovered later on that there was another purpose by the creator (God) who gave me the opportunity. His purpose was to give me a profile that would open doors for me (as a young motivational speaker just entering into the industry).
The radio broadcast didn't just help me to motivate and encourage people to venture into entrepreneurship, it also added to my curriculum vitae. I discovered that people tend to listen to me when i tell them that i host a radio programme. You need to discover the purpose behind any opportunity or open doors that comes your way, you need to ask yourself these questions; why was i favoured above others, why was i created in the first place, why was i born into this family and not into another, why did i have to experience those bad and good things in my life, why am i richer than some others, why am i here, why am i doing this at this particular time?
There is a reason for everything, you need to discover the reason. I want you to know that living a life without purpose is living a life filled with troubles. A man who has no clue of where he is going is a man who might never get to wherever he is going.
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Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The Idle Manhood

Coming back home from school after a very stressful semester, I got to a place close to my house and I saw some boys gathered together. Some were playing cards; some were playing drafts while some were busy discussing about sport, politics, entertainment and even the richest man in the world. Looking at my phone clock, it was afternoon. This made wonder while full bodied youths would sit down at noon and discuss when they should be in their offices (as entrepreneurs) or in their place of work.
This kind of lifestyle is very rampant most especially in cities and town where one would have thought otherwise. I use to hear stories of how full bodied men would wake up in the morning and trek for about 10 to 30mins to a newspaper stand just to read the front page headlines and then begin to argue. This prompted me to wake up every morning just to see for myself. On one particular occasion, an argument ensued over which club is the best in Italian league. This argument later ended in a physical brawl between two guys who claimed to be graduates. But the question is; why should graduates make themselves idle?
Some will blame the government while some blame the rich for not catering for the poor but rather buying private jets (that they call vanity) with money. Is the government really the full cause of poverty or are the rich and wealthy now responsible for the poor? Should the rich stop living the life that they dreamt of that made hunger to succeed and start using their money to cater for the poor?
Why should full bodied men make themselves idle all in the name of unemployment? Now back to my story. As I got home, I told my younger brother about what I had witnessed and I was surprised to know that he too has observed them. He told me that the younger among them is 28yrs. He told me their sitting positions with exactness and he even gave me their names, tribes, academic qualifications and even their spending habits. I thought he had gone out and saw them but I was shocked when he told me that that’s how they visit that same spot every day.
Some of them thought that I was proud, because I would rather sit inside my room to think and plan about my life and future. We should sit down as men that we claim we are to think; if our parents, government, church, friends and even the rich refuse to assist us it doesn’t mean that we should sit down and wait for any opportunity rather than looking for opportunities.

The rise of teenadults

I saw her at a corner very close to my house with a guy, the next day I saw her with another guy coming out from his room at night and trying to button his trouser belt. I couldn’t see her face but I knew it was the same girl but with different guys. Most guys in the area talks a lot about her, how cheap and easy she is and how good she is in bed (some said). I didn’t know how beautiful and rightly curved she is until I saw her at noon. I saw all the qualities they claimed she had (which are true) but I saw something else that attracted my attention and curiosity. She was a teenager. After conducting a personal investigation out of curiosity, I discovered that she is just 15 but she looks more like 24.
Where has the teenagers gone? Why do teenagers now engage in things that are meant for the married? I thought to myself. As I began to ponder and observe Sarah (not her real name) I discovered that she had some features like big boobs, big hips, good heights, and good smiles and above all she dresses like one of the adults. Which not only deceived the guys but also deceived herself because she thinks she is a big girl (that’s what most of the guys tell her even when they know is false).
Why do teenagers of nowadays so in a hurry to experience adulthood? Why can’t parents scold and manage their teenagers that have turned themselves to teenadults? Is it because of poverty, civilization, modernity, the internet, the entertainment industry, the government or even the boys that who bring themselves so low to sleep and defile these teenagers? Or maybe it’s because of the introduction of contraceptive pills that these teenagers can just put into their mouth and nobody will know what they have been doing even after 9months (unlike before), or maybe it’s because some teenagers think it embarrassing to be known as teenagers. So in order to grow into adulthood overnight, they begin to engage in things that only married people are morally permitted to do.
People and most especially the guys should know that because a girl looks tall, has big boobs, has figure 8 shape, walks like a model, say spoilt words and even tell you that she want you doesn’t mean that she is grown up for it. Men, parents, church, entertainment industry, government, schools, civil society org should stop turning our teenagers to teenadults because there is surely a great repercussion at the very end.
Also, the teenagers should know that sexuality is not the right way to prove that you are now grown up. You can decide to achieve a great feat by coming top in your school, becoming a CEO as a teenager and even starting an NGO that will help impact the lives of the people. Don’t let anyone deceive you that virginity is old school, don’t allow anyone to tell you that you are a big girl and so should and can have sex. Don’t allow peers (DR. Ben Carson call peers as PEOPLE WHO ENCOURAGE ERRORS, RUDENESS AND STUPIDITY) to pressure you into doing things that are not morally, spiritually and emotionally right. Teenagers should focus more on becoming problem solvers, successful people and great achievers in life.
And to round up everything, don’t rush into adulthood that you miss out in the fun of being a teenager.

Raising the "Protesters" generation

One man I envied while growing up was late Nelson Mandela. After reading about his feat as an activist and how he managed to liberate South Africa from the hands of white racists. All I just wanted to become when I grow up was to be an activist like Nelson Mandela. Not long after that I started to think and behave like an activist. Trying to protect people I thought were intimidated. I began to carry the activist mentality. A mentality that always clamors for a revolution, a mindset that always thought that protesting was the only thing that the government of this day need.
In 2007, after dropping the eggs that I had gone to help my mum take home, I went back to join a protest organized by the now governor of Edo State (Adams Oshiomhole); a protest that nearly took my life. But as I began to grow in knowledge, I discovered that protesting or a revolution might bring a solution to some of the problems but it will definitely culminate in the next generation of protesters.
Protesting is beginning to eat down into the system of some Africans that even church members now do street protest against their pastors, children now protest against their parents and servants now protest against their masters. Where did we miss it? Where did the roundtable discussions go? How did we end up as shouters and protesters rather than gentle peace makers? Believe you me, some problems would not have lingered if you and I didn’t get involved. I thought about the everyday clamor for a revolution and even war against the governments of nations in Africa. Why do we now have more so called human right activists than entrepreneurs?
Who are funding these NGO’S, who is backing them, are they leading us to embrace the protest and revolution mentality out of a pure and sincere heart or do they have hidden agendas? Or are they been used by foreign foundations and nations that fund most of them against their own country? Then who is telling the truth about the clamor for a revolution? Street protests might be able to solve some of the problems in Africa but believe you me, as we are celebrating that a problem has been solved, we are also creating a bigger problem of raising a generation of inborn protesters. Research has found out that even passion can be transferred to children.
Let’s not forget the gentle man’s approach to problems and let’s always dig deep into the lives of these so called human rights activists that are calling us out to protest over little or even difficult things and situations. Let’s stop raising a generation of protesters.