Friday, 1 May 2015


Hmmmm You are wonderful, you are beautiful,
you are handsome, you are good, you are
unique, you are wholesome, you are the
person of my dream, you are the one who puts
smiles on my face, the world has not seen
your goodness, you have the power to make
me a better me, I can't get tired of you, I
appreciate you, I celebrate you, I hail you, you
are the reason I hunger for success just to be

a blessing to you, I can climb the tallest
mountain just for you, I can eat the worst food
just for you, I can kill a thousand soldier just
for you, I can enter the lions den just for you, I
can travel the longest journey just for you, I
can even sleep in Sambisa forest just you, I fit
fight mammy water just for you, I can sleep
without food just for you, I can abandon all
my friends just for you, I can swim in an ocean
just for you, JUST BECAUSE ITS YOU.

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